Annabel is a Jamaican Architecture School graduate who decided to do a master’s degree and gain her licensure in Japan. I found her on YouTube […]
Monica Simpson, Roe vs Wade, Abortion & Advocacy
This is a very challenging debate that is usually black and white. Are you Pro-Choice or Pro-Life? Do you believe that women ought to have […]
Mental Illness, Police Brutality & African American Women
This is Mental Health month and know historically our community have shunned or not spoken of those we love with a mental illness. Some years […]
Erica Leshai, Spoken Word Artist on Los Angeles Gentrification
Erica Leshai brings spoken word to issues important to our community sustainability.
Karyn C. Thomas, Producer
The Raleigh Television Network or RTN is a gem in our capital city. Recently a branding company asked whether or not I had skills in […]
Carlita Victoria a Rising Star!
I know Carlita Victoria through her mother, Cathey, with whom I met when working at the City of Raleigh. She was involved with Community Services […]
Rissi Palmer, Artist Musician
One evening a friend and I went to the Pour House in downtown Raleigh to listen to music. The brick alley way entry reminded me […]
Linda Joyce, Author
I met Linda Joyce at a HBCU event introduced through a friend. She was about my age though younger and immediately struck me as a […]
Mixed Meghan Markle: Activist, Actress, and now Duchess of Sussex
African American men did not think that Obama would win the presidency. While women of the same race were bent on him succeeding. Obama’s American […]
Famed Hood Model – Slick Woods
Simone Thompson was homeless child of an incarcerated mother. At four years old she was shuttled between Minnesota origins to her mother’s mother in Los […]