Harriet Tubman was a resistance leader against a system designed to control physical/mental domination and oppression. She was named the conductor of the ‘Underground Railroad’. This […]
Sherrilyn Ifill, An Embarrassment of Riches
Sherrilyn Ifill ’An Embarrassment of Riches’ The beauty of Sherrilyn Ifill is that she is at the top of her game. Time recognized her amongst […]
Karyn C. Thomas, Producer
The Raleigh Television Network or RTN is a gem in our capital city. Recently a branding company asked whether or not I had skills in […]
Mixed Meghan Markle: Activist, Actress, and now Duchess of Sussex
African American men did not think that Obama would win the presidency. While women of the same race were bent on him succeeding. Obama’s American […]
Famed Hood Model – Slick Woods
Simone Thompson was homeless child of an incarcerated mother. At four years old she was shuttled between Minnesota origins to her mother’s mother in Los […]