I normally do not select high profile Global Afro Women who are doing very well in the media, besides my community has a pretty […]
Lillian L. Thompson, Visual Artist Re-emerges
Art by LT Exhibit Mailer pdf Why re-emerge as a visual artist after so many years of being a designer, project manager or […]
Yamiche Alcindor – Multimedia Journalist
The New York Times claimed her as their former national reporter covering politics and social justice issues. Yamiche Alcindor, is now with “The PBS […]
Amara La Negra – Afro-Latina Beauty and Brains
This USA born citizen and bred Dominican personifies the kind of beauty that shocks the long promoted standard images of Europeans. Who declared ‘Black is Beautiful’? Amara […]
Tarana Burke founder of #MeToo
Activist and writer Tarana Burke is the creator of #MeToo and founder of a movement ‘to radicalize the notion of mass healing… we as a […]
Mignon Clyburn, Net Neutrality and the FCC
Mignon, is daughter of Congressman Clyburn from South Carolina, was nominated by President Barack Obama and appointed by the senate to the Federal Communications Commission […]
Amanda Davis, TV Pioneer Career Woman
Amanda Davis, TV journalist will be known for her 35 plus years career as a professional in the Atlanta GA news media market. If she […]
Diane Rwigara, a candidate for President of Rwanda
Diane Rwigara ran as an opponent in the recent high profile Rawanda presidential election against successful third termer (seven year term) Paul Kagame, former guerrilla leader. […]